Product in Healthtech

Product in Healthtech Trailer

Episode Summary

Product management in healthcare is complex. Our industry is evolving rapidly. Great product management takes ingenuity, collaboration, and pure grit. That’s why we started Product in Healthtech — a community for healthtech product leaders, by product leaders -- sharing stories about how we make decisions, increase velocity, and maximize our team’s impact. Subscribe to Product in Healthtech: The Podcast today.

Episode Notes

Product management in healthcare is complex. Our industry is evolving rapidly. Great product management takes ingenuity, collaboration, and pure grit. That’s why we started Product in Healthtech — a community for healthtech product leaders, by product leaders -- sharing  stories about how we make decisions, increase velocity, and maximize our team’s impact. Subscribe to Product in Healthtech: The Podcast today.

Episode Transcription

Product management in healthcare is complex. Our industry is evolving rapidly. Great product management takes ingenuity, collaboration, and pure grit. That’s why we started Product in Healthtech — a community for healthtech product leaders, by product leaders -- sharing  stories about how we make decisions, increase velocity, and maximize our team’s impact. Subscribe to Product in Healthtech: The Podcast today.